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Talent Strategy

  Jiasheng regards its employees as the most valuable wealth of the company, and is willing to attract excellent and potential talents. It also provides a stage for employees to develop their personal talents. It is hoped that every employee can obtain good development in Jiasheng, conveying the essence of the corporate culture.

  Jiasheng's employment philosophy is: morality first, job matching, due diligence, and teamwork.

  "Morality first and ability second are the criteria for appointment." If there is virtue or talent, their virtues can be used. If there is virtue or talent, they should be reused. If there is talent or talent, their talents are difficult to use. ".

  Job Matching: Each position has its own professional requirements, and the right person in the right position is the talent to give full play to his role.

  Due diligence: Have a high sense of responsibility for the work, be a person - integrity; Doing things - serious, dedicated, innovative, and pursuing excellence.

  Teamwork: A drop of water is small, and only when it merges into the sea can it be magnificent; A grain of soil is slight, and only by accumulating high mountains can the majestic spectacle be achieved. An individual's strength is weak, but he relies on an excellent team to progress towards success as the team grows.

  Jiasheng's employment policy is: "career retention, environment retention, treatment retention, emotional retention."

  We advocate career retention: We are committed to continuously expanding Jiasheng's career, building a larger stage, providing more opportunities for outstanding talents within the company to achieve their own achievements and realize their own values, while also attracting more talents to join us;

  We emphasize environmental retention: building a positive talent environment within the enterprise by creating a corporate culture of "constantly striving and never satisfied".

  We advocate treating and retaining employees: centering on the purpose of "continuously creating profits for shareholders while seeking better and better benefits for employees", we have established a set of effective and highly stimulating business mechanisms.

  We attach importance to emotional retention: while emphasizing personal talent, we also attach greater importance to family ties and teamwork among colleagues.

  With a distinctive corporate culture, competitive salary system, and good development prospects, we look forward to your joining us!

Career Development

  "The sea does not choose small streams, so it can become deep, while the mountains do not choose fine soil, so it can become high.". In order to achieve something, one must also focus on the accumulation of knowledge, ability, and experience. Without dedicated and hard work, how can one enjoy sweet and joyful success? Without diligent and diligent research, how can one obtain impressive and fruitful results?

  No pains, no gains. Join Jiasheng and walk with successful personnel, you will surely reap a successful life! The company provides employees with an excellent development platform and large development space, enabling them to fully exert their abilities, explore their potential, create job performance, and enable each employee to grow together with the company.

  The company creates a good working environment and a healthy and upward corporate culture for employees, allowing each employee to feel a sense of cohesion and belonging.

  The company strives to provide employees with competitive salary levels and welfare benefits, striving for a win-win situation for both corporate and employee interests.

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