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Japanese Research Finds Decomposable Plastics

       Recently, Japanese researchers reported in the new issue of Science in the United States that they have discovered a bacterium that can decompose PET plastics, and it is expected to developBiodegradationmethod to help solve the problem of plastic waste pollution.

       A communiqu é issued recently by Kyoto Technological Fiber University said that the bacteria discovered by the university in conjunction with other scientific research institutions belong to the category of“ Edelonia”, It can produce two enzymes that gradually decompose PET plastic, ultimately producing carbon dioxide and water. Researchers have found that this bacteria can survive and reproduce in nature using PET plastic as a nutrient source.

       The full name of PET is“ Polyethylene terephthalate”, It is a common chemical material based on petroleum and widely used in the production of food containers and electronic products. Experts from Kyoto University of Technology and Fiber pointed out that the global production of PET plastics in 2013 was about 56 million tons, and PET plastic products are extremely difficult to degrade in nature after being discarded.

       Biodegradation of plastics using bacteria has the advantages of low energy consumption and environmental friendliness. Japanese researchers believe that if the above bacteria can be utilized to further enhance the activity and stability of their synthetases, it is expected to develop a more ideal method for PET plastic degradation.

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