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Prospect of Waste Plastic Processing Industry

      With the continuous growth of market demand and the maturity of processing technology, the waste plastic industry has gradually become a rather attractive "money scene" industry, even being nicknamed "the last piece of cake in China's plastic industry" by industry insiders.

      The prospects of the waste plastic processing industry are closely related to the rise and fall of international oil prices. If oil prices continue to rise and the price of new materials remains high, the prospects of the waste plastic processing industry are very good, and vice versa. According to the situation analysis, the waste plastic processing industry will have quite good development space in the next 5 to 10 years.

Main cause:
1.Low price of raw materials and high processing profit margin

      The source of waste plastic is very wide. Currently, there are three well-known waste plastic distribution centers in China, the first is Wen'an County, Hebei Province, the second is Dongyang District, Zhejiang Province, and the third is Taizhou District, Zhejiang Province. The recycling price of waste plastic is about 2000 yuan/ton, while the market sales price of recycled particles is about 6000 yuan/ton, with a gross profit margin far exceeding that of other links in the same industry.

2. Large market demand, product supply exceeding demand

      The market demand for recycled plastic products such as recycled granular materials is growing at an annual rate of 9%, and now it has exceeded 20 million tons, but at present it can only meet 40%~50% of the supply, which also includes recycled granular materials with extremely low quality. The huge market gap has given many processing enterprises the opportunity to "sell goods with high bids", and it is not surprising that they generate high profits.

3. Poor information channels and few industry entrants

      Due to some scams in the early stage of waste plastic processing, a significant number of investors no longer continue to pay attention to this industry. In addition, the industry has low relevance to people's daily lives, and information is relatively closed, so many people do not understand this industry. With a large market space and few entrants, it is quite normal for practitioners to make large profits.

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