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How to avoid bubbles during injection molding

According to the causes of bubbles, the countermeasures include the following aspects:
(1) When the wall thickness of a product is large, the cooling speed of its outer surface is faster than that of the center. Therefore, as the cooling proceeds, the resin in the center shrinks while expanding towards the surface, resulting in insufficient filling in the center. This condition is referred to as a vacuum bubble. The main solutions are:
a) Determine a reasonable gate and gate size based on the wall thickness. Generally, the gate height should be 50%~60% of the wall thickness of the product.
b) Until the gate is sealed, a certain amount of supplementary injection material is left.
C) The injection time should be slightly longer than the gate sealing time.
d) Reduce injection speed and increase injection pressure,
e) Using materials with high melting viscosity grade.
(2) The main solutions for bubbles caused by the generation of volatile gases are:
a) Fully pre dry.
b) Reduce the resin temperature to avoid generating decomposition gases.
(3) Bubbles caused by poor fluidity can be solved by increasing the temperature of the resin and mold, and improving the injection speed.
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