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Detailed explanation of the principle of screw chillers and the matching of injection molding machines

       The screw chiller is named because its key component - the compressor - uses a screw chiller. According to the principles of the refrigeration system, low-temperature and low-pressure liquid refrigerant exchanges heat with surrounding water in the evaporator, and the evaporator absorbs heat from the water. The evaporator evaporates into a low-temperature and low-pressure gas state, and the temperature of the refrigerant remains unchanged during the evaporation process. The low-temperature and low-pressure gas state refrigerant enters the compressor, is compressed by the compressor, and is compressed into a high-temperature and high-pressure gas state, Then it enters the condenser, where it exchanges heat with the indoor medium. Part of the heat in the high-temperature and high-pressure gaseous state is absorbed by the medium, and the temperature of the medium rises. The refrigerant releases heat and the condenser becomes a high-temperature and high-pressure liquid. The temperature of the condenser process remains unchanged, and then enters the expansion valve for throttling. Throttling is a rapid cooling process, where the refrigerant becomes a low-temperature and low-pressure liquid.

       After this process, the refrigerant enters the evaporator for heat exchange and evaporation, Transforming into gaseous refrigerant again. The gaseous refrigerant enters the compressor again through the pipeline, starting a new cycle. These are the four processes of the freezing cycle. It is also the main working principle of a screw chiller, which realizes the entire cycle of the screw refrigeration system. This cycle is continuous, and water can be continuously cooled.

       Explanation of Matching Injection Molding Machine with Cold Water Machine: The matching of domestic vertical and horizontal injection molding machines under normal environmental temperature usage, and the cooling water condensation temperature of the water-cooled chiller is below 35 degrees, (the condensation temperature of the air-cooled chiller is below 43 degrees).

       A: The first method: The 1HP water-cooled chiller can be equipped with an 80 ton locking force injection molding machine with a temperature control of 5-10 degrees Celsius. The 1HP water-cooled chiller can be equipped with a 100 ton locking force injection molding machine with a temperature control of 10-15 degrees Celsius. The 1HP water-cooled chiller can be equipped with a 120 ton locking force injection molding machine with a temperature control of 15-20 degrees Celsius (the matching of an air-cooled chiller is 0.8 times that of a water-cooled chiller, which means that the temperature of an injection molding machine with a 64 ton locking force can be controlled at 5-10 degrees Celsius.)

       B: The second method: The 1HP water-cooled chiller can be equipped with an injection molding machine with a single injection volume of 10 QZ, and the temperature can be controlled between 5-10 degrees The formula for injection molding quantity 1QZ=28.5g or above is a summary of the results obtained through analysis. In addition to using the above formula, the salesperson should consider the actual situation and choose a suitable chiller

       C: The matching between the chiller and the cooling water tower, according to the past practical experience, the 1HP chiller needs a 1.2 cold ton cooling water tower to take away the heat generated by the chiller. The mold cooling water of the injection molding machine is recycled. The water from the injection molding machine is hot and needs to be pumped to the cooling tower for cooling and stored in the pool, and then pumped by the water pump to the injection molding machine for cooling. Especially in summer, cooling tower must be used to recycle water resources, which can reduce costs, so as to achieve low-carbon environmental protection, high efficiency and energy saving!

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