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Purpose of cooling water tower

        Cooling water towers are mainly used in power plants or large production plants, and their main function is to cool circulating water. Generally, water with reuse value that has undergone preliminary treatment is fed into a cooling tower to cool the water and then reused to achieve water conservation. The water treated by a general cooling water tower is used to cool other items in other processes, so the water temperature is high and needs to be cooled by a cooling water tower for reuse. Cooling water tower structure: The water that needs to be cooled is sprayed downwards through pipes at the top of the water tower. In addition, there is a blower on the wall of the water tower to blow air in, and a large exhaust fan on the top to extract air from the tower top, which facilitates airflow and accelerates the cooling of the water. There are curved and hollow PVC adhesive heat dissipation plates above and below the spraying pipeline to increase the heat dissipation time of water droplets.

Cooling water towers are mainly divided into two categories: circular cooling towers and square cooling towers
Circular water tower features
        1. Reasonable design: "The cooling tower actively pursues new concepts of environmental protection in its design, fully adopts new technology development, comprehensively transforms the forms and materials of various components inside the cooling tower, making the product high-performance, with maximum cooling, low flying water, low noise, high strength, easy assembly, and easy maintenance, making this product suitable for various high demand places.

        2. Widely used, cooling towers have a wide range of applications, especially suitable for the air conditioning, refrigeration, and dyeing industries, and provide extremely quiet cooling functions for other general industries. The ultra quiet and environmentally friendly design is extremely suitable for installation in noise control areas due to its reduced operating volume.

Square cooling towers are mainly used in power plants, boilers, etc
Characteristics of square water tower
        1. Although the design is reasonable, the tower actively pursues new concepts of environmental protection in design, fully adopts new technology development, comprehensively transforms the form and material of various components in the cooling tower, making the product high-performance, with maximum cooling, low water flow, low noise, high strength, easy assembly, and easy maintenance, making it suitable for various high demand places.

        2. Widely used, cooling towers have a wide range of applications, especially suitable for the air conditioning, refrigeration, and dyeing industries, and provide extremely quiet cooling functions for other general industries. The ultra quiet and environmentally friendly design is extremely suitable for installation in noise control areas due to its reduced operating volume.
        3. Space saving: Najin square water tower, large flow rate, small volume, sturdy and durable.

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