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Basic knowledge of dryer selection

Basic knowledge of dryer selection
        1. The original shape of the material includes particles, powders, particles, sludge, crystals, liquids, pastes, suspensions, solutions, continuous thin sheets, thick plates, irregular materials (small or large), viscous or blocky shapes, etc.

        2. Average production: Continuous operation feeding amount or finished product, intermittent operation feeding amount or finished product and its adjustment range, etc.

        3. Finished product particle condition Average particle size, particle size distribution, particle density, bulk density, rehydration, etc.

        4. The moisture content of the material inlet and outlet is dry and wet.

        5. Material property Chemistry, biochemistry, microbial activity, heat sensitivity (melting point, glass transition temperature), moisture absorption isotherm (equilibrium moisture content), etc.

        6. The influence of drying time, drying curve, and operating parameters.

        7. The contact mode of the heater (direct or indirect).

        8. Fuel selection includes steam, coal, electricity, oil, and gas.

        9. Drying auxiliary equipment such as fans, dry dust collectors, wet dust collectors, feeders, feeders, finished product cooling and conveying devices.

        10. Special requirements include material composition, corrosiveness, toxicity, non hydrophilic solution, flammable and explosive limits, ignition point, color, structure, and fragrance requirements.

        11. The floor area of the drying equipment and auxiliary equipment of the drying system.

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