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Common faults and solutions of chillers

1、 Reasons and solutions for low suction pressure of refrigeration units
        1). Blockage of refrigerant filter: The refrigerant filter plays an important filtering role in the operation of the unit. If the filter is clogged, it can easily cause low suction pressure. The solution is to clean or replace the filter.
        2). Incorrect or blocked installation of expansion valve: The function of the expansion valve is to throttle and reduce the pressure of high-pressure liquid refrigerant to adapt to changes in refrigeration load and prevent liquid hammer in the compressor. If the expansion valve is installed incorrectly or blocked, it will result in poor cooling effect, frost formation behind the valve, and other phenomena.
        3). The refrigerant outlet valve of the condenser is not fully opened: If the valve is not fully opened, the refrigeration unit will experience low pressure. The solution is to fully open the valve.
        4). Insufficient water flow through the evaporator: Insufficient water flow in the evaporator can also cause a decrease in cooling capacity and poor cooling effect. The solution is to check if the water pump and water valve are working properly.
        5). The system has excessive oil content. If the oil content in the system is too high, it will reduce the suction pressure. The solution is to drain the oil.

2、 Reasons and solutions for non cooling of chillers
        1). Lack of refrigerant. During the operation of the chiller unit, the liquid refrigerant flowing through the evaporator absorbs heat from the water and begins to evaporate. After being compressed by the compressor and throttled by the expansion valve, it becomes a low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant. Simply put, refrigerants exchange energy with the outside world through changes in their thermal state, thereby achieving the goal of producing cooling capacity. Therefore, if the chiller lacks refrigerant, it will inevitably affect heat absorption, resulting in low refrigeration efficiency. The solution is to replenish the refrigerant.
        2). The condenser is dirty. As one of the four major components of a chiller, the condenser is a key component directly involved in refrigeration. The cooling water used by the chiller contains calcium, magnesium ions, and acid carbonates, which can form rust deposits. The generation of rust scale can directly lead to poor heat transfer efficiency of the condenser, and severe scaling can also block pipelines, deepening the heat transfer impact. The condenser should be regularly inspected, cleaned, and maintained.
        3). Improper slide valve position, clogged suction filter, worn moving parts, insufficient fuel injection, unopened suction shut-off valve, refrigerant leakage, evaporator scaling, etc. can all cause insufficient cooling capacity. You can try adjusting the slide valve.
        4). Regularly clean or replace filters and rotors, and maintain bearing wear. When the fuel injection is insufficient, identify the cause and replenish oil, open the suction shut-off valve, search for refrigerant leakage points, inspect the evaporator, and perform descaling maintenance.

3、 Analysis and Solution of High Pressure Alarm Fault in Chiller
        1). Frequent start stop of chiller and compressor may be caused by low oil level leading to alarm. Solution: Add refrigerant oil and check if there is any oil leakage from the compressor.
        2). If the chiller pipeline is dirty and the chiller pipeline system is blocked, it will cause the cooling water or refrigeration oil to not return to the compressor normally, resulting in an alarm. The solution is to clean the piping system.
        3). Insufficient cooling water flow or failure to turn on the cooling water of the chiller can cause frequent loading and unloading on/off actions of the compressor and trigger an alarm. Solution: Open the water valve and check if the pipeline is blocked if the cooling water flow is still low.
        4). If there is too much refrigerant in the chiller, it will cause the exhaust temperature to be too high, and an alarm will also appear to protect the operation of the compressor. Professional engineers handle the refrigerant.
        5). Poor heat dissipation of the condenser can also cause an alarm for high exhaust pressure. Check and clean the dust on the surface of the condenser, and clean the copper pipes of the condenser.
        6). If the expansion valve is opened too much, it will cause excessive refrigerant flow, which will be sucked into the compressor before it evaporates, causing the expansion valve to freeze and potentially damaging the compressor. Solution: Reduce the opening degree of the expansion valve appropriately, and shut down the machine to check the cause before restarting.

4、 Analysis and Solution of Low Pressure Alarm Fault in Chiller
        1). Insufficient refrigerant can cause a low pressure alarm in the chiller, and severe shortage can lead to unit shutdown protection. Solution: Check the chiller, such as the pipeline joints, and replenish the refrigerant after there are no problems.
        2). Excessive water flow or scale buildup in the condenser, as well as excessive water flow or scale buildup in the chiller condenser, can lead to low water temperature and poor heat dissipation. Solution: Reduce the amount of water or use partial circulating water to clean the copper tubes of the condenser.
        3). Leakage of the suction and exhaust valve plates of the chiller can cause refrigerant gas leakage, reduce exhaust volume, and decrease cooling capacity. Solution: Check the cause of valve plate leakage and replace the valve plate.
        4). Frost formation on the evaporator and chiller evaporator can also cause low suction pressure. Check the cause of frosting and defrost.
        5). Blockage of evaporator filter screen, dirty and clogged evaporator filter screen can lead to low suction pressure. The filter should be cleaned or replaced as appropriate

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