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Common faults and solutions of Mold thermostat

1. Mold temperature machine lacks media alarm
Fault analysis: There are two types of media shortage alarms for the mold temperature machine: the water temperature machine is a signal output by the pressure control, and the oil temperature machine is a signal output by the oil level switch (float switch).
Mold temperature machine liquid level indicator,
Solution to media shortage alarm in mold temperature machine:
        (1) Confirm if there is a lack of media. The water temperature machine requires water pressure, and the oil temperature machine requires sufficient oil. If there is a lack of media, it needs to be supplemented,
        (2) If there is no shortage of media, it may be due to malfunctions in the control components or blockages in the pipelines. If the machine malfunctions and needs to be replaced, or if there is an emergency, a false signal can be created to make the mold temperature machine work first.

2. Mold temperature machine overtemperature alarm
Fault analysis: Electric overheating is caused by a signal input from the temperature controller
        (1) Normal overheating, the temperature controller is not controlling the temperature accurately and needs to be adjusted,
        (2) Abnormal overheating, temperature controller malfunction requiring replacement or temporary provision of false signal output.

3. Overload of mold temperature machine pump
Fault analysis: Pump overload protection provides signal support through oil thermal protection
ABB overload protector
        If the pump current is too high, the pump or thermal protection is damaged. If the thermal protection is damaged, a false signal can be provided temporarily. If the pump is damaged, it must be replaced before use.

4. The mold temperature machine does not heat up
Fault analysis: The heating signal is output by the computer version to control the operation of the heating tube
(1) There are control system issues and broken heating tubes in the absence of heating.
(2) Control system faults can provide false signals to work first, and then eliminate the fault later,
(3) The heating tube must be replaced before it can function properly.

5. The mold temperature machine does not cool down
Analysis of temperature reduction: Cooling is controlled by an electromagnetic valve, and cooling water is introduced to cool the internal temperature of the equipment.
terms of settlement:
        (1) Check if the cooling water is flowing, if it is due to pipeline blockage or a faulty solenoid valve,
        (2) The oil temperature machine can work normally without cooling water, but the temperature control is not accurate.

6. Pump damage
Solution: The motor needs to be repaired or replaced.
It is recommended to replace the motor directly, so when choosing a mold temperature machine, it is important to check the brand of the pump.

7. Mold temperature machine reverse phase alarm
Fault analysis: Power phase fault.
Solution: If the reverse phase protection device malfunctions or the power line phase is connected incorrectly, targeted treatment is needed.

8. Temperature not displayed
Fault analysis: The thermistor outputs a signal to the computer or temperature controller.
Solution: If there is a problem with the temperature sensing cable or computer version, it needs to be replaced.

9. Continuous start and stop
Fault analysis: If a certain device is short circuited,
Solution: Check which step the machine is working at and whether the working components of this step are short circuited.

10. Unstable oil temperature and machine pressure, emitting water vapor
Fault analysis: Water vapor mixed into the pipeline or oil, or water leakage from the cooling pipeline of the oil temperature machine into the oil.
Solution: Slowly increase the temperature and evaporate the water.

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